Complete Turbochargers | Replacement Parts & Service Kits

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

ADP Distributors, Inc. (“Rotomaster”) sources globally and applies sustainable principles, practices, and policies to all of its suppliers, including direct import vendors. Rotomaster does not knowingly deal with any business that is involved in the degradation of human life or working conditions.


  • Rotomaster expects that its suppliers will conduct their businesses not only in a lawful manner but also in compliance with the same high standards of integrity and ethics.
  • We expect that our suppliers must not support, promote or engage in the practice of slavery or human trafficking, and we require our suppliers to comply with the laws regarding anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking of the country or countries in which they are doing business.
  • Rotomaster’s suppliers are further expected to take reasonable and necessary steps to help ensure that their sub-contractors and sub-suppliers conduct business in compliance with the laws regarding anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking of the country or countries in which they are doing business.
  • Suppliers are expected to promptly take corrective action to address any deficiencies identified with respect to compliance with the laws regarding anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking. If a supplier is found to be in violation of the laws regarding anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking.


  • Rotomaster reserves the right to terminate its relationship with that supplier for failure to comply.
  • Rotomaster’s employees and management who have direct responsibility for supply chain management periodically visit and inspect its suppliers’ facilities to further ensure compliance with laws regarding anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking.
  • Rotomaster participates in industry groups to share experiences and gain new information to improve compliance in its supply chain. Rotomaster has zero tolerance for slavery, human trafficking and child labor.


  • Rotomaster does not currently require all of its suppliers to provide any certifications regarding compliance with anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking laws of the country or countries in which they are doing business.


  • Rotomaster does not currently verify its suppliers in its supply chain to evaluate and address risks of slavery and human trafficking. Rotomaster does not conduct third party verification of its suppliers, compliance with anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking laws. However, Rotomaster utilizes its internal resources to visit and inspect its suppliers, places of business to ensure compliance with anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking laws.


  • Rotomaster does not currently conduct independent and unannounced formal audits of its suppliers to evaluate compliance with Rotomaster’s standards for anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking in its supply chain. Rotomaster utilizes its internal resources to visit and inspect its suppliers, places of business to ensure compliance with anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking laws.

Rotomaster Employee Accountability

  • Rotomaster expects its employees, whose duties involve the Rotomaster supply chain, to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to anti-human trafficking and anti-slavery.  
  • Rotomaster takes the issues of slavery and human trafficking very seriously and will continue doing its part by responsibly managing its supply chains in an effort to eradicate human trafficking and slavery.
  • All reports of alleged violations will be investigated by Rotomaster. If the results of an investigation indicate a corrective action is required, Rotomaster will decide the appropriate steps to take, including discipline, dismissal, and possible legal proceedings. 
  • Disregard or deliberate ignorance of the law is not tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action, including possible dismissal. 


Last updated on June 3, 2021