Complete Turbochargers | Replacement Parts & Service Kits



8 hours


Service Technician “B” or higher 


  1. Carefully inspect the air cleanerair cleaner duct, and the exhaust manifold for any foreign material. Objects left in these areas can severely damage the turbocharger immediately on engine startup. 
  2. Remove old gaskets and left-over material from the exhaust manifold, the oil supply line and oil drain line flanges. Inspect these surfaces for cracks, flatness, or erosion. 
  3. Inspect the oil supply and drain lines for degradation and cracking 
  4. Make sure that there are no kinks or any other type of restriction or clogging in either line. 


This turbocharger may have bolts or nuts that have been deliberately left loose to aid in realigning the turbocharger housings. If this is the case, follow these steps. Otherwise, proceed to step 3. 

  1. Loosen the turbine and compressor housing boltsor V-band nut (if applicable), the minimum required to allow free rotation of the housings on the center section. Be very careful not to jostle the housing from its seating surface, as this may cause damage to the wheels. 
  2. Temporarily mount the turbocharger to the exhaust manifold with 2 bolts. 
  3. Rotate the center housing to align the oil supply and oil drain flanges or fittings with the engine oil lines.  
  4. Lock the center section to the turbine housing by snugly tightening at least 2 of the bolts (or the V-band nut). 
  5. Align the compressor discharge with the engine air duct and lock it to the center section by snugly tightening at least 2 of the bolts or the V-band nut (if applicable). 
  6. Remove the turbocharger from the engine and tighten all bolts and V-band nuts to the specifications on the reverse side of the warning card (this is the orange card that comes with the turbocharger)When tightening the bolts, alternate sides to prevent mis-seating the housing. When tightening the v-band, seat the band to the flange by lightly tapping it with a soft faced mallet while tightening the nut. Do not tighten nut past the torque specification. 
  7. Bend lock tabs up against each bolt, taking care not to loosen these bolts in the process. 


  1. Install the turbocharger, taking care to ensure that no dirt or foreign material enters the turbocharger openings. Always, use new gaskets and O-rings (where applicable). Do not connect the oil supply line or the air cleaner duct yet, see later steps. 
  2. Pre-lube the turbocharger by pouring clean engine oil into the oil inlet hole of the turbo.  
  3. With your fingers, spin the compressor wheel several times to coat the turbocharger bearings with oil.  
  4. Pour more oil into the oil inlet hole to top it off. There may be some drainage, but this is of no concern. 
  5. Connect the oil supply line and the air cleaner duct. 
  6. Check for proper crankcase oil level. 
  7. With the fuel shut off to prevent engine start, crank the engine for 10-15 seconds, or until the gauge shows an oil pressure build up. 
  8. Start the engine and let it idle for 5-10 minutes. Do not rev the engine during this time. 
  9. Check the installation for any oil leaks.

The installation tips listed here are general guidelines that apply to all turbos and do not include vehicle-specific details. Please refer to the authorized original equipment service manual for detailed installation instructions. If you do not have the experience, proper tools or manuals, please seek the services of a qualified technician. 
