Complete Turbochargers | Replacement Parts & Service Kits


Turbochargers are crucial components in turbocharged vehicles, but they can suffer premature failure when exposed to extreme or prolonged operating conditions that cause engine overheating. This article highlights the causes of turbo failure due to excessive heat and offers simple solutions to prevent such issues.

Causes of Turbocharger Failure Due to Heat:

Repeated Hot Shut Down: After strenuous engine use, the turbo oil overheats and breaks down. When the engine is shut off, the turbo continues to spin down without proper engine oil pressure. The extreme temperatures burn off the protective oil film needed for the next start-up, leading to potential damage.

Hardened or Caked Oil: The turbo oil supply lines can develop hardening or caking from high temperatures, eventually restricting or blocking the oil flow to the turbo. This blockage results in turbo failure.

VGT/VNT Turbo Issues: Newer Variable Geometry Turbo (VGT) or Variable Nozzle Technology (VNT) turbos are prone to coking and gumming up due to elevated temperatures caused by exhaust gases and oil. This leads to the turbo nozzle or vanes jamming in random positions, resulting in poor performance and drivability problems.

Preventing premature turbocharger failure caused by excessive heat is essential for maintaining the optimal performance of turbocharged vehicles. The silent killer, heat, can lead to significant damage, but following a simple solution can help you avoid such issues.

After engaging in strenuous activities with your vehicle, such as mountainous driving, pulling a heavy load, or racing, it's crucial to implement a cool-down period. Allow the engine to idle for a minimum of 3 minutes before turning it off. This short cooling time permits the engine, its components, and the oil to return to their normal operating temperatures. As a result, the internal turbo components receive proper lubrication, safeguarding against potential damage during the next start-up.

By incorporating this easy and practical step, you can safeguard your turbocharger from harmful effects caused by excessive heat. This simple act of cooling down can save you from costly repairs and extend the longevity of your turbocharger while ensuring consistent, reliable performance in your turbocharged vehicle. Remember, a few minutes of cool-down time can make a significant difference in preserving the health and efficiency of your turbocharger.